Company Profile

The goal of this project was to create a cohesive corporate visual identity for LSindo, a company specializing in IoT, networking, and automation technology. Our work started in developing the company’s philosophy, which was then translated into logo design, company profile, website, and branded corporate merchandise such as t-shirts.
We selected blue as the primary color to represent the company’s commitment to futuristic innovation, high-tech solutions, and product reliability. The website’s design integrates a WEB3 layout concept, where the grid structure blends dynamically, keeping pace with current UI design trends. This layout ensures that both the website and the company profile align with LSindo’s forward-thinking, technology-driven brand.

The logo features a stylized PCB (Printed Circuit Board) design, a crucial component of electronic devices. The PCB pathways are shaped to form the letters “LSI,” the abbreviation for Lentera Sarana Inovasi, while the dot above the “I” represents an LED indicator in ‘ON’ mode, symbolizing that the company actively maintains their reliability and innovation in the tech space.
Company Profile

Corporate ID Supporting Items

Corporate Website